
Showing posts from March, 2012


Support system, samsung note atas sumbang ihsan nadia (Y) ;) yes they are! Antara tujuh golongan yang mendapat syafaat di padang mahsyar ialah golongan yang bersahabat kerana Allah! InshaAllah.InshaAllah :) may im the one who always being a supporter for them too.trying.sure im not perfect, prefect perhaps.tehee May peace be upon you!

sms delivered , silap timing

A night AFTER finishing final sem to miscom..haha Learning isn't easy Frustration tends to set in quickly You hurts, you feal defeated You wanna give up, to quit You wanna walk away and pretending it doesnt matter But you wont Because you are not a loser You are a fighter We have to lose something before we can win We have to cry sometimes before we can smile We have to hurt before we can be strong But If you keep on working and believing You have victory in the end.. -Syarfina Syahida Abdul Yamin on my way back from cairo, see the reflection.haha

Turunnya 16 ayat AQ , kisah Abdullah Ummi Maktum :)

Pinjam jap 3 minit 29 saat, do watch this video! InshaAllah, kita lebih daya dan upaya fizikal berbanding Abdullah Ummi Maktum kan? Apa salahnya, pinjam semangat beliau! :D Esok exam med term.oh bukan mid term.tapi medical terminology 15 minit ,marks campur 12% dalam modul 1 tahun lepas.hihi *15% =.="


time exam OSCE dulu Colours  not just even rainbow in the dark it glow  to choose the special one;how did you know? Deep in your heart it melt slow Same goes to friend, Banyak warna, warna yang menenangkan , itu yang anda suka. :)