We flip the script


Entry agak hambar.Takpayah baca.Dah banyak entry tak bergambar-bosan.

Okay semua memasing tengah busy mengejar berapa muka surat lagi nak habis cover.
Berapa juta lagi word nak kena save dalam long term memory sebab essay exam.

And bila orang nasihat, "baca yang penting je la"

And kita harus reply wisely " semua penting encik.kalau boleh highlight, memang page tu tukar dari kaler putih jadi warna warni."

(nak cakap kos dia study lagi susah dari orang lain la tu.cehh)

Terus ke fokus utama.

We flip the script.Why?

We live in this crazy cylce environment.Do you ever heard about when someone cry means he/she weak? So dont cry and express our emotions.This what we'd scripted it to be.But yet prophet Rasulullah s.a.w defined it  differently.Here's some story, Rasulullah s.a.w cry on his son/daughter(sorry im forgot) death.And others people who watch this scene feels like something weird."Why are you crying ya Rasulullah?" Rasulullah replied "Im cry because of rahmah ,mercy from God"

See, how we were trained to underestimate or judge."Oh, she always cry.Over emotional.Such a weak person.."

But theres a point that people always think inversely.Anger.When we mention about masculine or the most brave person.Umar r.a popped in our mind..Nowadays, people especially boys when the grew up, other emotional values must be kept inside and the values that can only be expressed  is-anger.
Again,yet Rasulullah define it as whoever unable to control his/her anger is the most weak person..

There'r lots of contraindication in our life.What prophet said "its the best" , we deny it and said inversely.

Well said in holy Quran, " manusia itu paling banyak membantah"(hehe tak reti translate)

Cry is also one of the solution Allah gives to His " best creation".And after you crying, you will feel sleepy.Am i right? This has been mention in Al-Quran! Subhanallah.

Honestly, aku selalu rasa menangis tu sifat orang yang lemah.Tu pasal aku jarang nak tacing tacing, nak emo emo depan orang.And kalaupun tengok cerita sedih orang lain siap bertisu-tisu lap air mata, aku relax je sudah.Macam takda perasaan..Lebih kurang macam lack of emotion pun ada.keras hati je memanjang.Konon taff la segala.And dulu aku selalu wonder macam mana orang boleh complain complain, eh kari yang kat kedai pakcik seman tu lagi sedap la dari kedai ni..Eh,how you can differentiate the taste?!(marah campur curious).Apasal aku tak rasa apa apa?..Itulah kesan aku train diri sendiri tak berperasaan..Orang cakap Allah dah tarik nikmat sedap makanan, so bila makan entah tak rasa apa makan je semua.

Dan tambah tambah orang lain cakap, eh comelnyewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(aku tak pernah gedik camni.haha) baby tu.Ah gerammmmm nak cubit cubit pipi dia.Lalu ada seorang raksasa yang tiada berperasaan telah berkata " oh,eh? biasa je" dan dimaki hamun dalam hati rakan rakannya like macam anda sedang tengah best best tengok cerita movie korea gila sweet hensemnyewww sikit lagi nak ending lepastu-blackout.Hahaha, gua suka part ni.

Ok, dah.stop.macam surat terbuka untuk suami pun ada aku rasa ni..

P/S: nak jadi penghuni syurga macam sahabat sahabat nabi, apa salah kita contohi akhlak mereka dan pastilah  akhlak nabi tu Al-Quran :)


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