Am i too heartless ?


Today, as usual .My on-call time started early in the morning. I ask Allah that i can witness many deliveries. :)

As i am concern with you guys (to understand more about what im talking about instead of using jargons) i will write it in malay.

Sampai hospital, changing scrub. Wear crocs. Lihat pada papan kenyataan. Satu cesarian section terlepas.
But there are few patients waiting for their turn.

"InshaAllah, ada patient harini " .

Senyum.Ada sinar harapan.Hehe.

Lepas berjaya mintak permission dari husband and his wife, we managed to observe it.
One delivery.Done.

Berjalan balik ke board untuk make sure tak terlepas any deliveries.

"Puan X, Primigravida (first pregnancy) " said one of my friends while reading the board.

"Eh, Puan X.Macam kenal.Pernah buat PE(physical examination kat perut mainly) kat dia."

Then lari ke labour room.Masuk.

Yes.Betul tekaan.

Puan X yang ana pernah jumpa, bertanya soalan dan periksa perut(kandungan) beliau.

Tiba-tiba doktor cakap " hah, yang pergi duduk jauh sangat tu kenapa.Meh la dekat sikit"

Ana merapatkan diri.

Doktor cakap foetus in breech presentation ( bahasa lainnya songsang). Baru je turn into breech from cephalic (kedudukan kepala bayi kat bawah,normal).

Sebelum ni prof ana pernah cakap, kalau beliau kat UK dulu conduct breech, just sit down and relax.
Tunggu baby keluar sendiri.Do nothing. Just assist bila head part nak keluar.Tapi kat msia , safest way is to do caesarian section.


It's differ today. Breech but still SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery/bersalin normal).


Ramai nurse mula masuk memenuhi ruang bilik.Few doctors too.

Saat yang dinantikan.Observe breech svd. (excited sikit lolz)


Baby out.(ayat nurse-nurse hehe)

Then, paeds are waiting outside to resuscitate.

 Heartbeat 61.No respiration.

Apgar score 1.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un.

Bayi baru berusia 25 minggu sebenarnya.Tapi keadaan ibu yang tak mengizinkan untuk prolong time,so terpaksa deliver.Beberapa doctor sudah memaklumkan keadaan sebenar kepada ibu tersebut sebelum delivery lagi.

Lung masih belum mature sepenuhnya walaupun telah disuntik(to mum) dexamethasone.Beberapa kesan lain juga seperti spina bifida( boleh google untuk maklumat lanjut) occur.

Dari sebelum lahir, semasa lahir, selepas lahir di tempat resuscitate sampai saat doctor cakap "dah takda".
I dont felt anything.

Am i too heartless ?

Dear BESTfriends, do answer it for me.Soalan yang tak ada jawapan.

Let's pray that Puan will get pregnant for the next time being,and dikurniakan zuriat yang solihin dan sihat.InshaAllah.Ameen.

Stay strong Puan !


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